Seth Phillips
Seth began researching the efforts of utility companies to promote energy efficiency and conservation as part of a research project he led while at Brigham Young University's Marriott School of Management. Seth led a team of professors and students who met with government regulators and utility executives to learn about the challenges and obstacles facing the utility industry in its efforts to slow energy consumption. The team designed a set of innovative solutions to help improve and move the industry forward. Enerlyte is a direct result of Seth's research project. Before founding Enerlyte Seth built two successful real estate investment companies that sold assets before the real estate meltdown and spent eight years in a professional sales role where he was a consistent top performer. Seth is a passionate entrepreneur who is committed to building Enerlyte into a business that provides the highest level of value for customers, employees, business partners, the nation and the environment. Seth graduated from Brigham Young University, Summa Cum Laude, and was given the "Outstanding Student of the Year" award in entrepreneurship.

Sam Steele
Sam has been involved as a founder of many small businesses before co-founding Enerlyte. Some of these businesses included: inventing and manufacturing an advanced formula liquid fertilizer that was then marketed and distributed to hundreds of agriculture growers all across the country, real estate wholesaling and rentals-which involved turning around and selling a $17 million dollar retail center, and a sustainable personal distribution network.

Eric Denna
University of Utah, Ascent Media
Eric has a bachelor degree in accounting from BYU, a masters degree in information systems from BYU, and a Ph.D in Information Systems from Michigan State University where he was the Coopers & Lybrand Doctoral Scholar. Eric has worked for Ernst & Young, Price Waterhouse, and Coopers & Lybrand. He was the Deloitte-Touche Faculty Fellow and associate professor of information systems at BYU's Marriott School of Management. After leaving academe he was chief information officer for Times Mirror Corporation, for BYU, and for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints over a 12 year period. He was also Chief Operating Officer of The RBL Group (www.rbl.net) and SVP, Global Operations and Process Design at Ascent Media. He is current the Chief Information Officer for The University of Utah. Eric has served as a consultant to many organizations and is an experienced presenter at conferences, seminars, and symposia around the world. He has been a research associate with The Research Board (www.researchboard.com). Eric is an advisor and on the board of directors of several organizations. He has written five books and several scholarly and professional articles on the strategic use of information technology and has spoken or taught at conferences and universities around the world.

John Richards
BYU, InfoSpace, Inc.
John E. Richards is an active entrepreneur and angel investor, focusing on all types of businesses and locales but primarily on Internet and software companies headquartered in the Wasatch Front area of Utah. He currently is managing partner of the oldest angel investing group in the state of Utah - UtahAngels.
He was president of a publishing company in Seattle, Washington for several years and later started a company that helped port that industry to the Internet, which eventually led to an initial public offering and multi-billion-dollar valuation on the NASDAQ stock market.
John co-founded BoomStartup, a mentorship-driven investment program patterned after Y-Combinator and TechStars. In this program, multiple tech startup companies are mentored and provided capital.
He is an associate professor at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in entrepreneurship and venture finance in the Marriott School of Management and the School of Technology. At BYU he also serves as Associate Director over Technology Entrepreneurship of the Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology.

Adam Ross
Keys to Growth, Infusionsoft
Adam Ross was the SVP of Sales and Business Development at Infusionsoft, Inc, where oversaw all aspects of the business development, indirect and direct sales teams along with the customer success teams. Prior to Infusionsoft Ross was the Channel Chief for NetSuite, Inc., where he oversaw all aspects of the Channel strategy for NetSuite, Inc. Prior to NetSuite Ross served as National Sales Director for Best Software's CRM division. While at Best Software, Ross oversaw all aspects of revenue production for the CRM division of the company. A long term member of the SalesLogix staff, Ross was one of the first twenty employees of Interact Commerce Corporation, the company's parent prior to its' acquisition by The Sage Group PLC, known as Best Software in North America. Before that, Ross was Director of Strategic Alliances with Sales Performance International, the makers of market leading Solution Selling sales methodology based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Adam enjoys his time living in Scottsdale, AZ with his amazing wife Luanna and their three incredible children.

Joseph Grenny
Formerly, Joseph Grenny was cofounder and President of California Computer Corporation. In 1990, he cofounded VitalSmarts, one of the most respected corporate training and organizational development companies in the world. Named the 2008 Business of the Year by The Association of Learning Providers, and also ranked six times by Inc. Magazine as one of the fastest growing companies in America. Joseph was also named an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year for his work in founding and leading VitalSmarts. He is a graduate of Brigahm Young University '89, in International Relations. Joseph cofounded Unitus in 2000, an international non-profit organization, working to reduce global poverty by increasing access for the working poor to greater business and banking opportunities.

Dean Karlan
Yale University
Dean Karlan is a Professor of Economics at Yale University, with a focus in behavioral and development economics. Karlan is President of Innovations for Poverty Action, a non-profit organization that creates and evaluates solutions to social and development problems, and works to scale-up successful ideas through implementation and dissemination to policymakers, practitioners, investors and donors. Karlan is on the Board of Directors of the M.I.T. Jameel Poverty Action Lab. As a social entrepreneur, He is Founder and President of stickK.com, a website that uses lessons from behavioral economics to help people write commitment contracts to reach personal goals, such as weight loss, smoking cessation, environmental conservation and even studying more. In 2011, Karlan co-authored More Than Good Intentions: How a New Economics is Helping to Solve Global Poverty. Karlan received a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, and was named an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow. His research focuses on microeconomic issues of decision-making, specifically employing experimental methodologies to examine what works, what does not, and why in interventions in microfinance, health, behavioral economics and charitable giving. Karlan received a Ph.D. in Economics from M.I.T., an M.B.A. and an M.P.P. from the University of Chicago, and a B.A. in International Affairs from the University of Virginia. He can be followed on twitter @deankarlan, and blogs regularly on Freakonomics.

Steve Liddle
BYU, EnticeLabs
Dr. Liddle is currently academic director of the Kevin and Debra Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology at Brigham Young University and professor of Information Systems at the Marriott School of Management. Dr. Liddle will assist Enerlyte's software engineering team with the development and improvement of the company's core analytic software. Liddle has been a member of BYU's business school faculty since 1995, when he received his PhD in Computer Science. His dissertation dealt with the topic of executable conceptual models, laying some of the groundwork for current efforts in model-driven development and model-driven architecture. Liddle also currently serves as a member and treasurer of the steering committee for the International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (the ER Conference).

James Noble
VP of Tech
James Noble, Vice President of Technology has 10+ years in the technology field. During that time he has managed several IT departments. He has been instrumental in automating the analysis of consumer data. James has experience in many areas of IT including software architecture, server administration, database administration, network administration and phone systems. He has considerable experience heading up projects throughout the entire project life-cycle. James has specialized in importing data into a system for analysis. He has also spent a considerable amount of time analyzing data and returning that information to the consumer in a format that they can use. James received his bachelors of science from Weber State University in Computer Science.

Ron Durtschi
Ron Durtschi, CEO, has been with Enerlyte since March, 2011 and has more than thirty years experience working at large regional natural gas and electric utilities. He has held positions of Rate Analyst, Operations Research Analyst, Director of Forecasting and Load Research, IT Manager, and Chief Economist. In these positions, Mr. Durtschi has testified in gas cost pass-through cases, general rate cases, and Integrated Resource Plan filings before local Public Service Commissions. He has also designed and built econometric models for the Utah and Wyoming state economies, end-use, peak-demand, and revenue forecasting models for both gas and electric utilities. He designed and implemented a customer-specific weather normalization adjustment (WNA) program that has been in use for over 18 years. Throughout his utility career, a key on-going responsibility was to monitor market conditions in the utility's service area and report (and forecast) changes in weather-adjusted energy demand for all customer classes to management, regulators, and the Federal Reserve Bank. He also lead a team that successfully replaced the Billing and Customer information system at a large regional gas utility under budget and ahead of the aggressive planned schedule. Mr. Durtschi holds Bachelor of Arts degrees in Economics and Finance from Utah State University and a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Utah.

Chase McMillian
Chase McMillian Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.

David Maxfield
David Maxfield Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.

Hugo Inclan
Key Engineer
Hugo has 9+ years of experience in the technology field. Before joining Enerlyte Hugo was a Software Engineer at Omniture/Adobe where he participated in several systems integrations and specialized in internal application development. He has also worked as a Data Analyst and Systems Integration Engineer contracting for several smaller companies. He also developed a point of sale LCD signage management solution, which is successfully used by store owners to sell advertising space in their retail locations. Hugo received a minor in Mathematics and a bachelors of science in Computer Science with an emphasis in Networking from Utah Valley University.